#0QVPElior Group
as of 2024-11-20
1M : 5.37%
6M : 15.58%
1Yr : 79.55%
Company Profile
Name: Elior Group
Code: 0QVP
Exchange: LSE
Country: UK
Address: Tour EgEe, Paris, France, 92032
Fulltime Employees: 132,783.00

Profile Description:

Elior Group SA offers contract catering and support services in France and internationally. The company provides contract catering services to business and industry, education, and healthcare sectors under the Elior brand. It also offers a range of value-added services under the Elior Services brand, such as cleaning services, facility management, electrical and climate engineering, multi-technology maintenance, hosting and reception services, remote surveillance, energy efficiency, public lighting, green spaces, temporary employment agencies, and subcontracting in the engineering and aerospace industries, etc. The company operates approximately 20,250 restaurants and points of sale. Elior Group SA was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Paris, France.

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