#MIRIMirriad Advertising PLC
as of 2024-11-20
1M : -26.67%
6M : -77.55%
1Yr : -87.5%
Company Profile
Name: Mirriad Advertising PLC
Code: MIRI
Exchange: LSE
Country: UK
Sector: Communication Services
Industry: Advertising Agencies
Address: One London Wall, London, United Kingdom, EC2Y 5EB
Fulltime Employees: 88.00

Profile Description:

Mirriad Advertising plc provides in-video advertising services to broadcasters, advertisers, brand owners, and their agencies in the United Kingdom, the United States, and China. It inserts advertising imagery, such as billboards, posters, products, or videos to pre-existing video content. The company was incorporated in 2015 and is based in London, the United Kingdom.

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