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AS - Amsterdam
BR - Brussels
CO - Copenhagen Exchange
EU - EU Funds
F - Frankfurt
HE - Helsinki Exchange
IS - Istanbul
LS - Lisbon
LSE - London
MC - Madrid
PA - Paris
OL - Oslo Stock Exchange
ST - Stockholm Exchange
SW - SIX Swiss
VI - Vienna
XETRA - Frankfurt XETRA
North & South America
NYSE - USA New York
SA - Sao Paolo
TO - Toronto
V - Toronto TSX Venture
AU - Australia
BK - Thailand
JSE - Johannesburg
KO - Korea
NSE - India
SHG - Shanghai
Asset Type
Common stock
Investment Trust
Basic Materials
Communication Services
Consumer Cyclical
Consumer Defensive
Consumer Discretionary
Consumer Non-Cyclicals
Consumer Staples
Financial Services
Information Technology
Real Estate
Africa & Middle East Equity
Africa Equity
Aggressive Allocation
Alt - Relative Value Arbitrage
Alt - Volatility
Alternative - Other
Alternative Credit Focused
Alternative Equity Focused
Alternative Market Neutral
Alternative Multi - Strategy
Alternative Other
Alternative Strategies
Asia Bond
Asia Bond - Local Currency
Asia High Yield Bond
Asia Pacific Equity
Asia ex-Japan Equity
Asia ex-Japan Small/Mid-Cap Equity
Asia-Pacific Equity
Asia-Pacific ex-Japan Equity
Australia & New Zealand Equity
Australia Equity Income
Australian Cash
Australian Short Term Fixed Interest
Austria Equity
Bank Loan
Bonds - Australia
Bonds - Emerging Market Debt
Bonds - Global
Bonds - Inflation-linked
Branchen: Technologie
Brazil Equity
Brazil Large-Cap Equity
CHF Bond
CHF Bond - Short Term
Canada Equity
Canada Fund US Equity
Canadian Corporate Fixed Income
Canadian Dividend & Income Equity
Canadian Dividend and Income Equity
Canadian Equity
Canadian Equity Balanced
Canadian Fixed Income
Canadian Focused Equity
Canadian Inflation Protected Fixed Income
Canadian Long Term Fixed Income
Canadian Money Market
Canadian Neutral Balanced
Canadian Short Term Fixed Income
Canadian Small/Mid Cap Equity
China Equity
China Equity - A Shares
China Region
Commodities & Precious Metals
Commodities - Broad Agriculture
Commodities - Broad Basket
Commodities - Energy
Commodities - Industrial & Broad Metals
Commodities - Industrial & Broad Metals
Commodities - Other
Commodities - Precious Metals
Commodities Broad Basket
Commodities Energy
Commodities Focused
Conservative Allocation
Consumer Cyclical
Consumer Defensive
Convertible Bond - Europe
Convertible Bond - Global
Convertible Bond - Global, CHF Hedged
Convertible Bond - Global, EUR Hedged
Convertible Bond - Global, GBP Hedged
Convertible Bond - Global, USD Hedged
Corporate Bond
Defined Outcome
Derivative Income
Digital Assets
Diversified Credit
Diversified Emerging Mkts
Diversified Pacific/Asia
EUR Aggressive Allocation - Global
EUR Bond - Long Term
EUR Cautious Allocation - Global
EUR Corporate Bond
EUR Corporate Bond - Short Term
EUR Diversified Bond
EUR Flexible Bond
EUR Government Bond
EUR Government Bond - Short Term
EUR High Yield Bond
EUR Inflation-Linked Bond
EUR Moderate Allocation - Global
EUR Money Market
EUR Subordinated Bond
EUR Ultra Short-Term Bond
Emerging Europe Equity
Emerging Europe ex-Russia Equity
Emerging Markets Bond
Emerging Markets Equity
Emerging Markets Fixed Income
Emerging-Markets Local-Currency Bond
Energy Equity
Energy Limited Partnership
Equity Asia Pacific w/o Japan
Equity Australia Large Blend
Equity Australia Large Geared
Equity Australia Large Growth
Equity Australia Large Value
Equity Australia Mid/Small Blend
Equity Australia Other
Equity Australia Real Estate
Equity Emerging Markets
Equity Energy
Equity Europe
Equity Global Infrastructure - Currency Hedged
Equity Global Real Estate
Equity Global Resources
Equity Global Technology
Equity Greater China
Equity Hedged
Equity Japan
Equity Market Neutral
Equity Market Neutral EUR
Equity North America
Equity Precious Metals
Equity World - Currency Hedged
Equity World Large Blend
Equity World Large Value
Equity World Other
Europe Equity
Europe Equity Income
Europe Flex-Cap Equity
Europe Large-Cap Blend Equity
Europe Large-Cap Growth Equity
Europe Large-Cap Value Equity
Europe Mid-Cap Equity
Europe Small-Cap Equity
Europe Stock
Europe ex-UK Equity
European Equity
Eurozone Flex-Cap Equity
Eurozone Large-Cap Equity
Eurozone Mid-Cap Equity
Eurozone Small-Cap Equity
Event Driven
Financial Services Equity
Fixed Term Bond
Floating Rate Loans
Foreign Large Blend
Foreign Large Growth
Foreign Large Value
Foreign Small/Mid Blend
Foreign Small/Mid Growth
Foreign Small/Mid Value
France Equity
France Small/Mid-Cap Equity
GBP Allocation 20-40% Equity
GBP Allocation 40-60% Equity
GBP Allocation 60-80% Equity
GBP Corporate Bond
GBP Corporate Bond - Short Term
GBP Diversified Bond - Short Term
GBP Government Bond
GBP Inflation-Linked Bond
Geographic Equity
Germany Equity
Germany Small/Mid-Cap Equity
Global Aggressive Allocation
Global Allocation
Global Bond
Global Bond - EUR Hedged
Global Bond-USD Hedged
Global Cautious Allocation
Global Corporate Bond
Global Corporate Bond - CHF Hedged
Global Corporate Bond - EUR Hedged
Global Corporate Bond - GBP Hedged
Global Corporate Bond - USD Hedged
Global Corporate Fixed Income
Global Diversified Bond
Global Diversified Bond - CHF Hedged
Global Diversified Bond - EUR Hedged
Global Diversified Bond - GBP Hedged
Global Diversified Bond - USD Hedged
Global Dividend & Income Equity
Global Dividend & Income Equity
Global Emerging Markets Bond
Global Emerging Markets Bond - EUR Biased
Global Emerging Markets Bond - EUR Hedged
Global Emerging Markets Bond - GBP Hedged
Global Emerging Markets Bond - Local Currency
Global Emerging Markets Corporate Bond
Global Emerging Markets Corporate Bond - EUR Hedge
Global Emerging Markets Corporate Bond - GBP Hedge
Global Emerging Markets Equity
Global Emerging Markets Small/Mid-Cap Equity
Global Equity
Global Equity Balanced
Global Equity Income
Global Fixed Income
Global Fixed Income Balanced
Global Flex-Cap Equity
Global Flexible Bond
Global Frontier Markets Equity
Global Government Bond
Global Government Bond - CHF Hedged
Global Government Bond - EUR Hedged
Global Government Bond - GBP Hedged
Global Government Bond - USD Hedged
Global High Yield Bond
Global High Yield Bond - CHF Hedged
Global High Yield Bond - EUR Hedged
Global High Yield Bond - GBP Hedged
Global Inflation-Linked Bond
Global Inflation-Linked Bond - EUR Hedged
Global Inflation-Linked Bond - GBP Hedged
Global Inflation-Linked Bond - USD Hedged
Global Infrastructure Equity
Global Large-Cap Blend Equity
Global Large-Cap Growth Equity
Global Large-Cap Value Equity
Global Large-Stock Blend
Global Large-Stock Growth
Global Large-Stock Value
Global Neutral Balanced
Global Real Estate
Global Small/Mid Cap Equity
Global Small/Mid Stock
Global Small/Mid-Cap Equity
Greater China Equity
HKD Bond
High Yield Bond
High Yield Credit
High Yield Fixed Income
High Yield Muni
Hong Kong Equity
India Equity
Indonesia Equity
Inflation-Protected Bond
Intermediate Core Bond
Intermediate Core-Plus Bond
Intermediate Government
International Equity
Islamic Equity - Other
Islamic Global Bond
Islamic Global Equity
Italy Equity
JPY Bond
Japan Equity
Japan Flex-Cap Equity
Japan Large-Cap Equity
Japan Small/Mid-Cap Equity
Japan Stock
Korea Aggressive Allocation
Korea Bond
Korea Cautious Allocation
Korea Corporate Bond
Korea Equity
Korea Equity Income
Korea Large-Cap Equity
Korea Short Term Bond
Korea Small/Mid-Cap Equity
Large Blend
Large Growth
Large Value
Latin America Equity
Latin America Stock
Long Government
Long-Short Equity
Long-Term Bond
Macro Trading
Mid-Cap Blend
Mid-Cap Growth
Mid-Cap Value
Miscellaneous - Income and Real Property
Miscellaneous - Other
Miscellaneous Fixed Income
Miscellaneous Region
Miscellaneous Sector
Moderate Allocation
Moderately Aggressive Allocation
Moderately Conservative Allocation
Money Market - Other
Money Market-Taxable
Multi-Sector Fixed Income
Multi-Sector Fixed Income
Multisector Aggressive
Multisector Balanced
Multisector Bond
Multisector Flexible
Multisector Growth
Multisector Moderate
Muni California Intermediate
Muni California Long
Muni National Interm
Muni National Long
Muni National Short
Muni New York Intermediate
Muni New York Long
Muni Single State Short
Muni Target Maturity
Natural Resources
Natural Resources Equity
Netherlands Equity
Nontraditional Bond
Nordic Equity
North American Equity
Options Trading
Other Bond
Other Cautious Allocation
Other Equity
Pacific ex-Japan Equity
Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk
Passive Inverse/Leveraged
Precious Metals Equity
Preferred Share Fixed Income
Preferred Stock
Property - Indirect Asia
Property - Indirect Europe
Property - Indirect Eurozone
Property - Indirect Global
Property - Indirect North America
Property - Indirect Other
Property - Indirect South Africa & Namibia
Property - Indirect Switzerland
RMB Bond - Onshore
Real Estate
Real Estate Equity
Relative Value Arbitrage
Russia Equity
Sector Equity
Sector Equity Agriculture
Sector Equity Alternative Energy
Sector Equity Biotechnology
Sector Equity Communications
Sector Equity Consumer Goods & Services
Sector Equity Consumer Goods & Services
Sector Equity Consumer Goods and Services
Sector Equity Ecology
Sector Equity Energy
Sector Equity Financial Services
Sector Equity Healthcare
Sector Equity Industrial Materials
Sector Equity Infrastructure
Sector Equity Natural Resources
Sector Equity Other
Sector Equity Precious Metals
Sector Equity Private Equity
Sector Equity Real Estate Indirect
Sector Equity Real Estate Indirect - Asia
Sector Equity Technology
Sector Equity Utilities
Sector Equity Water
Short Government
Short-Term Bond
Short-Term Inflation-Protected Bond
Singapore Equity
Single Currency
Small Blend
Small Growth
Small Value
South Africa & Namibia Equity
South Africa & Namibia Equity
Spain Equity
Sweden Equity
Switzerland Equity
Switzerland Small/Mid-Cap Equity
Systematic Trend
Tactical Allocation
Tactical Balanced
Taiwan Large-Cap Equity
Target Maturity
Target-Date 2025
Target-Date 2030
Target-Date 2035
Target-Date 2040
Target-Date 2045
Target-Date 2050
Target-Date 2055
Target-Date 2060
Target-Date 2065+
Target-Date Retirement
Thailand Equity
Trading - Leveraged/Inverse Commodities
Trading - Leveraged/Inverse Equity
Trading - Leveraged/Inverse Fixed Income
Trading - Leveraged/Inverse Other
Trading – Leverage/Inverse
Trading--Inverse Commodities
Trading--Inverse Debt
Trading--Inverse Equity
Trading--Leveraged Commodities
Trading--Leveraged Debt
Trading--Leveraged Equity
Turkey Equity
U.S. Dividend & Income Equity
U.S. Dividend & Income Equity
UK Equity Income
UK Flex-Cap Equity
UK Large-Cap Equity
UK Mid-Cap Equity
UK Small-Cap Equity
US Bond
US Equity
US Equity Income
US Flex-Cap Equity
US Fund Global Large-Stock Value
US Large-Cap Blend Equity
US Large-Cap Growth Equity
US Large-Cap Value Equity
US Mid-Cap Equity
US Money Market
US Small-Cap Equity
US Small/Mid Cap Equity
USD Aggressive Allocation
USD Cautious Allocation
USD Corporate Bond
USD Corporate Bond - Short Term
USD Diversified Bond
USD Government Bond
USD Government Bond - Short Term
USD High Yield Bond
USD Inflation-Linked Bond
USD Moderate Allocation
USD Ultra Short-Term Bond
Ultrashort Bond
Unternehmensanleihen USD Kurzläufer
Vietnam Equity
World Large Stock
ZAR/NAD Aggressive Allocation
ZAR/NAD Bond - Short Term
ZAR/NAD Diversified Bond
ZAR/NAD Moderate Allocation
ZAR/NAD Money Market
Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific Equity Income
Asia Pacific Smaller Companies
Biotechnology & Healthcare
China / Greater China
Commodities & Natural Resources
Corporate Bond
Country Specialist
Debt - Direct Lending
Debt - Loans & Bonds
European Smaller Companies
Flexible Investment
Global Emerging Markets
Global Equity Income
Global Government Bond - EUR Hedged
Global Smaller Companies
Growth Capital
Hedge Funds
India Equity
Infrastructure Securities
Infrastructure securities
Japan Large-Cap Equity
Japanese Smaller Companies
North America
North American Smaller Companies
Private Equity
Private Equity
Property - Debt
Property - Europe
Property - UK Commercial
Renewable Energy Infrastructure
Switzerland Equity
Technology & Media
Trading - Leveraged/Inverse Other
UK All Companies
UK Equity & Bond Income
UK Equity Income
UK Smaller Companies
VCT AIM Quoted
VCT Generalist
VCT Generalist Pre Qualifying
VCT Specialist: Healthcare & Biotechnology
VCT Specialist: Technology
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200 Day MA
50 Day MA
52 Week High
52 Week Low
Analyst Rating
EPS Current
EPS Next Year
Shares Short
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1 Week Change %
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52 Week High
52 Week Low
Analyst Rating
EPS Current
EPS Next Year
Shares Short
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Short Percent
Short Ratio
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Growth Rank
1 Week Change %
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1 Month Change %
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3 Year Change %
5 Year Change %
200 Day MA
50 Day MA
52 Week High
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Analyst Rating
EPS Current
EPS Next Year
Shares Short
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Growth Rank
1 Week Change %
2 Week Change %
1 Month Change %
3 Month Change %
6 Month Change %
1 Year Change %
3 Year Change %
5 Year Change %
200 Day MA
50 Day MA
52 Week High
52 Week Low
Analyst Rating
EPS Current
EPS Next Year
Shares Short
Shares Short Prior Mth.
Short Percent
Short Ratio
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Top 50%
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Bottom 10%
Growth Rank
1 Week Change %
2 Week Change %
1 Month Change %
3 Month Change %
6 Month Change %
1 Year Change %
3 Year Change %
5 Year Change %
200 Day MA
50 Day MA
52 Week High
52 Week Low
Analyst Rating
EPS Current
EPS Next Year
Shares Short
Shares Short Prior Mth.
Short Percent
Short Ratio
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Income Rank
EPS Estimate Current Yr
EPS Estimate Next Qtr.
EPS Estimate Next Yr
Forecasted Dividend Rate
Forecasted Dividend Yield
Most Recent Quarter
Operating Margin TTM
Payout Ratio
Profit Margin
Return On Assets TTM
Return On Equity TTM
Top 10%
Top 25%
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Income Rank
EPS Estimate Current Yr
EPS Estimate Next Qtr.
EPS Estimate Next Yr
Forecasted Dividend Rate
Forecasted Dividend Yield
Most Recent Quarter
Operating Margin TTM
Payout Ratio
Profit Margin
Return On Assets TTM
Return On Equity TTM
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
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Bottom 10%
Income Rank
EPS Estimate Current Yr
EPS Estimate Next Qtr.
EPS Estimate Next Yr
Forecasted Dividend Rate
Forecasted Dividend Yield
Most Recent Quarter
Operating Margin TTM
Payout Ratio
Profit Margin
Return On Assets TTM
Return On Equity TTM
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Income Rank
EPS Estimate Current Yr
EPS Estimate Next Qtr.
EPS Estimate Next Yr
Forecasted Dividend Rate
Forecasted Dividend Yield
Most Recent Quarter
Operating Margin TTM
Payout Ratio
Profit Margin
Return On Assets TTM
Return On Equity TTM
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Income Rank
EPS Estimate Current Yr
EPS Estimate Next Qtr.
EPS Estimate Next Yr
Forecasted Dividend Rate
Forecasted Dividend Yield
Most Recent Quarter
Operating Margin TTM
Payout Ratio
Profit Margin
Return On Assets TTM
Return On Equity TTM
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Value Rank
Enterprise Value Ebitda
Enterprise Value Revenue
Forward PE
Price Book MRQ
Price Sales TTM
Trailing PE
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Value Rank
Enterprise Value Ebitda
Enterprise Value Revenue
Forward PE
Price Book MRQ
Price Sales TTM
Trailing PE
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Value Rank
Enterprise Value Ebitda
Enterprise Value Revenue
Forward PE
Price Book MRQ
Price Sales TTM
Trailing PE
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Value Rank
Enterprise Value Ebitda
Enterprise Value Revenue
Forward PE
Price Book MRQ
Price Sales TTM
Trailing PE
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Value Rank
Enterprise Value Ebitda
Enterprise Value Revenue
Forward PE
Price Book MRQ
Price Sales TTM
Trailing PE
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Strength Rank
Book Value
Current EPS
Gross Profit TTM
Market Cap
PE Ratio
PEG Ratio
Piotroski F Score
Quarterly Earnings Growth YOY
Quarterly Revenue Growth YOY
Revenue Per Share TTM
Revenue TTM
Wall Street Target Price
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Strength Rank
Book Value
Current EPS
Gross Profit TTM
Market Cap
PE Ratio
PEG Ratio
Piotroski F Score
Quarterly Earnings Growth YOY
Quarterly Revenue Growth YOY
Revenue Per Share TTM
Revenue TTM
Wall Street Target Price
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Strength Rank
Book Value
Current EPS
Gross Profit TTM
Market Cap
PE Ratio
PEG Ratio
Piotroski F Score
Quarterly Earnings Growth YOY
Quarterly Revenue Growth YOY
Revenue Per Share TTM
Revenue TTM
Wall Street Target Price
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Strength Rank
Book Value
Current EPS
Gross Profit TTM
Market Cap
PE Ratio
PEG Ratio
Piotroski F Score
Quarterly Earnings Growth YOY
Quarterly Revenue Growth YOY
Revenue Per Share TTM
Revenue TTM
Wall Street Target Price
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Bottom 25%
Bottom 10%
Strength Rank
Book Value
Current EPS
Gross Profit TTM
Market Cap
PE Ratio
PEG Ratio
Piotroski F Score
Quarterly Earnings Growth YOY
Quarterly Revenue Growth YOY
Revenue Per Share TTM
Revenue TTM
Wall Street Target Price
Top 10%
Top 25%
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