Utilizing the smart money concept and indicators such as volume oscillators, pattern detection and market fundamentals.
Trade protected by a scattered hedging system to hold positions in place if the market chooses to go against the original trade, this is used to hold a particular trade as long as possible and avoid losses, if the trade is deemed unsalvageable, then the trade will be closed for a loss or held until another potential entry can be found to breakeven, this is determined by many factors such as market sentiment and or further fundamental and technical analysis.
Trades normally commence on USDCAD, GBPUSD and EURUSD, though no currency pair is ruled out and may be used by our traders if an opportunity presents itself.
Taking everything to the next level when it comes to Expert Advisors, above and beyond hence why it given the name it has.
An EA based on multiple factors and only takes trades when all the criteria's are met on multiple timeframes. This strategy also comes with an News Filter, Trend following technology, integrated Al and the ability to analyze all 28 Major and Minor currency pairs.
The system will take a maximum of 12 pairs with a maximum of 3 layers f each pair. The system is fit with a dynamic stop loss after this point to ensure safety of the system and protection of equity.